Fighting Injustice with Solar Power
Scarce electricity perpetuates cycles of injustice. In Uganda, SELF completed a pilot project that uses clean energy to deliver government services and legal support to underserved populations.
A lengthy dry season makes growing food in northern Benin incredibly difficult. SELF's Solar Market Garden combines solar-powered pumps with drip irrigation to enable year-round food production.
Access to energy:
Vaccine refrigerators, medical equipment, and water purification systems can’t run without access to electricity.
Solar-powered pumps ensure clean water delivery and can be combined with drip irrigation for food production.
Lights, computers, and internet connectivity reduce the barriers to students pursuing an education.
Electricity equips entrepreneurs with tools to jumpstart small business operations, creating more robust local economies.
This holiday season, SELF is raising awareness for the important role of light in our lives. This article explores why lighting public spaces is important for safe communities. For Nadiope Loy, life changed when the sun went down. In her rural village in central Uganda, the lack of e...
This holiday season, SELF is raising awareness for the important role of light in our lives. This article explores how light saves lives in healthcare settings. Can you imagine going to the hospital in the middle of the night for an emergency, only to be told to come ba...
This holiday season, SELF is raising awareness for the important role of light in our lives. This article explores why lighting classrooms can revolutionize education in energy-poor places. The Katansama School in Colombia had ambitious students, dedicated teachers, and a supportive ...
SELF is a global leader in the fight against energy poverty. Since 1990, we’ve pioneered unique applications for solar energy, powering progress on food security, health care, education, gender equity, and more.
501(c)(3) non-profit organization
EIN: 52-1701564